The Sacrament of the Sick is intended for those who are ill or infirm. Parishioners planning to enter the hospital for elective surgery are encouraged to make arrangements to receive this sacrament prior to admission. The Sacrament is also available after the 4:00pm Mass on the first Saturday of each month for anyone who wishes to receive it due to illness or anticipated surgery.
Parish staff members visit hospitalized or homebound parishioners when notified of their illness (please be aware that the hospital will not inform us). You may call the Parish Office to arrange for Eucharist visits or to receive other sacraments.
A Special Note Regarding Hospital Stays...
Please be aware that as of April 14, 2003, rules from the Department of Health and Human Services regarding privacy require hospitals to ask permission to include patients’ names and room numbers in the hospital directory when admitted. If you choose not to be include in the directory, the hospital will not be able to even acknowledge that you are a patient. This means no phone calls, no flowers, not visitors at all – not even clergy. If you wish clergy or Eucharistic Ministers to visit while you are in the hospital, you must agree to be included in the directory and it would be wise to call the parish office directly as well.